The duration of work in this context will emphasize on the working time in relation with the statutory regulations in place in Cameroon.

  • Hours of Work: According to section 80 (1) of the Cameroon labour code of 1992, the statutory hours of work in all public and private nonagricultural establishments may not exceed 40 hours per week. The weekly total of working hours does not include overtime work for which extra payment is provided. In the case of agricultural and allied enterprises, the hours of work shall be based on a total of 2400 hours/year within the maximum limit of 48hours/week per section 80 (2) of the Cameroon labour code.

As regards working days, Decree No. DF/249 and DF/250 of 10th July 1968 provides that in every establishment, the working days would be between Monday and Saturday with Sunday as a rest day.

The employer may decide under the decree to have 5 working days with workers doing 8 hours/day or 6 working days with workers doing 7hours/day for 5 days and a half day of 5 hours usually on Saturday.

  • Night Work: In as much as the normal working hours for most establishments, companies and businesses is during the day time, there are certain establishments and businesses which require that work be engaged at night between 10 p.m to 6 a.m. in accordance with section 81 of the Labour Code of Cameroon.

Section 4 of Decree No. 68/DF/249 of July 10th 1968 provides that employees in night watch, surveillance and fire brigade services are expected to work for a maximum of 50 hours/week while those employed in dispensaries, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, kitchen and laundry departments and petrol fueling stations have to work for 45 hours/week. As per section 5 (1) (2) of same decree, barmen and domestic servants have a normal week of 54 hours.

After calculating the normal hours of work per week, the duration of overtime should be limited to a maximum of 20hours/week.

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