A pharmacist shall treat fairly and kindly all those who collaborate with him.
He shall require them to conduct themselves by the requirements of the Code.
Assistant pharmacists must be treated as colleagues by the pharmacists they assist and by other pharmacists.
In the interest of the profession, the pharmacist must contribute to the training of interns.
The supervising pharmacist must give the student trainee practical instruction by involving him in the technical activities of his establishment. He/she must inspire love and respect for the profession and set an example of professional qualities.
No one should accept a trainee if he or she does not have the time or equipment necessary to provide the training.
The training master must be able to count on the loyalty, obedience, and respect of his trainee who must help him to the extent of his knowledge.
Professional disputes between pharmacists and trainees must be brought to the attention of the Council of the Order. Those relating to teaching must be brought to the attention of the trainee’s academic institution. A pharmacist who, after selling his studies, has been a manager, substitute trainee, or assistant to his colleagues for three months must not set up, for two years, in an establishment if his presence allows direct competition with this colleague unless there is an agreement between them which must be notified to the Council of the Order.