Any agreement or arrangement whose purpose is to share the remuneration of the pharmacist’s services with a third party is contrary to professional morality.
In particular, the following are prohibited:
– Any unauthorized payment or acceptance of commissions;
– Any rebate on the price of a product or service;
– Any act likely to procure an illicit advantage for a client;
– Any Peddling;
– Any facility granted to anyone who engages in the illegal practice of pharmacy;
– Any competition between pharmacists and physicians, medical auxiliaries, or any other person.
Prohibited agreements between pharmacists and members of the medical profession do not include agreements for the payment of copyrights or inventors’ rights.
Subject to the provisions of the preceding section, a pharmacist may
receive royalties for contributions to the study or development of medicines or devices, when these have been prescribed or advised by others than himself.
He may pay royalties, under the same conditions, to practitioners to whom he is bound by the contract.
When the inventor himself has prescribed the object of his invention, the payment and acceptance of royalties are subject to the authorization of the Council of the Order, if the prescription takes place regularly.