The seller is prohibited from delivering a product that has not been ordered by the consumer when payment is requested.

In the event of delivery of a product not ordered by the consumer, the consumer may not be asked to pay its price or the cost of its delivery.

The cost of returning unsolicited goods shall be borne by the seller. by the seller.

Before the contract is concluded, the seller must allow the consumer to make a final summary of all his choices, to confirm the order or modify order or to modify it as they wish and to consult the electronic certificate relating to their signature.

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the contract is concluded at the seller’s address and on the date of acceptance of the order by the latter by means of an electronic document signed and sent to the consumer.

The seller must provide the consumer, at his request, and within ten (10) days following the conclusion of the contract, a written or electronic document containing all the data relating to the sales transaction.

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