The functions of occupational physicians are reserved for medical doctors who hold a diploma in occupational medicine and industrial hygiene or any other equivalent specialist title.
However, in the event of a shortage of specialized practitioners, the practice of occupational medicine may be extended to other doctors, taking into account local needs and requirements.
The practice of occupational medicine is subject to prior approval issued by order of the Minister of Labour and Social Security:
– After consulting the Minister of Public Health.
– The President of the Republic, in the case of a foreign doctor who is not registered with the Order of Physicians.
When approving non-specialist doctors, the account is taken in the order of their professional experience, their hospital qualifications, and university qualifications relevant to occupational medicine and their competence.
The list of practitioners likely to be approved is constantly updated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Health and the Council of Physicians of the Order.
The approval referred to above may be withdrawn by the
President of the Republic or the Minister of Labour and Social Security, as the case may be, after the opinion of the National Council of the Order, to the practitioner:
– Who has been subject to a disciplinary or criminal sanction resulting in the withdrawal of his authorization to practice medicine or his temporary removal from the Council of the Order of Physicians.
– Who does not comply with the regulations in force concerning the organization and operation of occupational medical services and the medical prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.
The activity of the occupational physician is counted according to the;
-The number of hours worked when the doctor has signed a contract or agreement with an inter-company medical service.
-The number of persons covered when the doctor has concluded a contract or agreement with an enterprise or establishment.
Occupational medicine may be practiced on a full-time or part-time basis.
Full-time practice means:
(a) Either 173 hours, 1/3 per month, entirely devoted, based on an employment contract of the annexed model, to an enterprise or an inter-enterprise medical service.
b) Or to the coverage of at least 3500 persons belonging to one or more
companies or establishments, each of which has signed an agreement on visits and care with the practitioner by the attached model.
In both cases, the opening of a medical practice or clinic to practice any other medicine is prohibited.
However, the number of persons covered by a practitioner, clinic, or polyclinic may not exceed 4500.
Part-time practice is any occupational medicine activity covering a maximum of 1500 persons per month for one or more companies.
The contract concluded with a doctor is subject to approval by the Minister of Labour and Social Security.
Visiting and treatment agreements are subject to control by the competent services of the Minister of Labour and Social Security.
In addition to the fees which are reimbursed based on the officially fixed rates, the fixed remuneration of the doctor employed part-time, corresponding to the hours of the presence or the number of persons covered, is fixed by a joint decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Security and the Minister of Public Health, after consultation with the professional organizations concerned.