The Cameroon labour code of 1992 brought a remarkable innovation which was the reflection of the economic realities in the country. In accordance with section 25 (4) of the code, the following categories are illustrated below;
- A contract of Temporary Job: This is a contract which as per section 25(4) (a) of the labour code of cameroon 1992, is a contract which has as object the replacement of an absent worker or one whose contract has been suspended or for the completion of a piece of work within a specified time limit and requiring additional man power. This type of contract important in situations of suspension of contracts due to illness of a worker, maternity leave, arrest, preventive detention etc. in accordance with Decree No. 93/577/P.M of 15th of July 1993, the duration of temporary jobs contract is 3 months renewable once per annum in the same company.
- A contract of Occasional Job: This is a contract which per section 25(4) (b) of the Cameroon labour code of 1992 is defined as one which has as objective or is aimed at coping with unexpected growth in activities of the company as a result of certain economic conditions or entailing urgent work to prevent eminent accidents, organizing emergency measure or repairing company equipment, facilities etc. this type of contract is adequate for public works and construction companies. As per Decree No. 93/577/P.M of 15th July 1993, this type of contract is not to exceed 15days and is renewable once per year with the same company.
- A contract of Seasonal Job: This type of contract is a contract generated by the cyclical or climatic nature of company activities as defined by section 25(4) (c) of the Cameroon labour code. This type of contract is very common for agricultural companies. The duration of this type of contract is 6 months yearly and non-renewable in line with Decree No. 93/577/P.M of 15th July 1993.