Vessels engaged in commercial, fishing or recreational maritime navigation pleasure craft are required to hold a navigation permit issued by the merchant navy administration.

The following are considered as sailing documents

– The crew list;

– The licence;

– The traffic card.

Certain vessels may be exempted from the obligation to have a navigation document by decision of the competent maritime authority. The competent maritime authority of each Member State may, in addition to the three aforementioned navigation permits introduce other national navigation permits.

Crew lists must be issued to ships engaged in maritime navigation and crewed by professional seafarers. It lists the names of the crew members and must be certified as accurate by the shipowner or his representative.

The crew list, drawn up in duplicate, must include:

– The characteristics of the vessel and the name of the owner;

– The name and address of the shipowner responsible;

– The names and full identity of the crew members, with an indication of their duties on board;

– A formal undertaking by the master to comply with the regulations of each Member State.

The crew list also mentions the conditions under which the crew was hired (these may be appended to the crew list). These details are authentic in court. It is used to draw up civil status documents. It serves as proof of the crew’s navigation, both for obtaining pensions and social or family benefits.

Any boarding or disembarkation of a crew member must be recorded in the roll, stating the date, place and reason for embarkation or disembarkation.

Abroad, the Consuls of each Member State or, failing that, the Consuls or the duly authorised maritime authorities of other countries, are authorised to carry out such movements, which they shall immediately report to the ship’s port of the vessel and the port of registration of the vessel.

Receive a crew list:

– Ships engaged in commercial shipping, the purpose of which is to transport passengers and goods;

– Ships providing pilotage, towing and assistance services to seagoing assistance services;

– Ships engaged in sea fishing;

– Ships engaged in pleasure boating and crewed by salaried professional maritime personnel;

– Towed sea-going barges;

– Buoy tenders, fireboats and self-propelled government vessels operating in maritime waters, as well as carrying out dredging and sounding operations in seaports;

– Mobile offshore drilling units.

However, the competent maritime authority of each State shall determine the various categories of commercial shipping, sea fishing, pleasure boating, the corresponding categories of crew list and the collective or individual nature of the list.

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