Conditions to be met:
1. Have an authorisation to install and operate passive infrastructures (Licence or concession);
2. Submit an application to install and operate passive infrastructure
Composition of the application:
- Documents to be supplied:
- A site plan showing the location of the proposed structure in relation to adjoining structures;
- A general plan of the land in the area where the pylon is to be installed for a perimeter of 750 metres, showing that there are no existing pylons in the residential area and 2 (two) km for non-residential areas;
- Proof of ownership of the land on which the installation is proposed, or a written consent from the owner;
- The geographical coordinates of the proposed location of the structure and of the nearest airport, heliport or helipad;
- A plan of the structure showing its actual height, foundation, guy wires (if used), members, ladders, resting and working platforms, earthing, lightning protection and aircraft lighting etc.