Respect for life is in all circumstances the primary duty of the dental
The dental surgeon must treat all his patients with the same
conscience, whatever their condition, nationality, religion, reputation
or feelings.
He shall in no case practice his profession in conditions that may
compromise the quality of his care and his acts.
Except in cases of force majeure, the dental surgeon must provide
emergency assistance to a patient in immediate danger, if other care
cannot be provided.
He may not abandon his patients in case of public danger without a
a written order from the competent authority.
Professional secrecy is binding on the dental surgeon, unless otherwise
provided by law, and if its observance does not prejudice the health of
the patient.
In their relations, the dental surgeon and the patient each have the
following guarantees:
-free choice of dental surgeon for the patient
-freedom of prescription for the dental surgeon
- payment of fees by the patient.
The dental surgeon must not alienate his professional independence in
any form.
He shall refrain, even outside the practice of his profession, from any
act likely to bring it into disrepute.
He may not engage in any activity at the same time as dentistry, which
is incompatible with his professional dignity.
He shall avoid, in his writings, comments, or lectures, any attack on the
the honor of the profession or its members.