The general requirements below apply to establishments using
direct or alternating electrical currents.
However, special provisions, if necessary, will regulate the health and
safety conditions in the following establishments:
a) establishments of production of electric energy;
b) establishments for the distribution of electrical energy, including
their ancillary transformation and maintenance facilities;
c) establishments where special work is carried out, such as electrical
traction, underground waterfall construction sites.
Taking into account the highest voltage existing between the
conductors and the earth, the electrical ground, the electrical
installations are classified into four groups:
a) Group 1: Installations in which the voltage between conductors is
less than 50 volts in direct current or 24 volts RMS between conductors
and earth in alternating current (or 42 volts between phases if the
current is three-phase with neutral to earth). Shallow voltage current
b) Group II: Installations in which the voltage between conductors and
earth does not exceed 600 volts in direct current and 250 volts in
alternating current (spit 433 volts between phases if the wind
is three-phase). Low voltage current (LV)
c) Group III: Installations in which the voltage between the conductor
and the earth exceeds the above values of 60,000 volts in direct current
and 33,000 volts in alternating current (i.e. 57,000 volts between
phases if the current is three-phase).
d) Group IV: Installations with a voltage higher than the values of the group
Before being put into service, installations in groups II, III, and IV must
be inspected by a specialized body or service designated by the
Minister of Labor and Social Security, after consultation with the
Ministerial Department in charge of energy matters.
Group 1 installations are only subject to this obligation when they are
supplied by or connected to higher voltage installations; this supply
and connection must then be made by appropriate systems.
The machines, apparatuses, and electrical installations are maintained in
conditions of operation and insulation presenting any safety, to
avoid in particular all dangers of electric discharges, fire, explosion,
sparks or fusion of matter.
To this end, they must be subject to periodic monitoring, maintenance
and inspection.
Independently of the provisions taken or likely to be taken by special
regulations, the following general requirements must be observed:
a) Electrical installations must be equipped with safety systems in
relation to the highest operating voltage between the conductors and
the earth;
(b) electrical generators and transformers located in workplaces must
be protected like all other types of machinery;
(c) all electrically conductive wires within the workplace shall be fully
protected and insulated and placed out of the reach of workers
(d) all electrical outlets shall be connected to the earth using a third
(e) electrical circuits shall be fused with fuses having a resistance
calculated by the voltage;
f) the connecting wires of lamps, tools, and electrical appliances, as well
as the connections, are protected by a hard rubber covering, and if
necessary by a flexible metal sheath;
g) when the voltages are higher than the low earth values, the parts of
the machines and appliances, the accessories, the devices, the
coverings and the pipes not covered with insulating material are
protected from any possible contact;
(h) removable electrical equipment and portable machine tools shall be
equipped with insulating handles or grips and any other suitable
protective device. Their use in highly conductive areas (outdoor work
sites, damp areas, inside turbines, boilers, etc.) is prohibited if they are
not supplied with very low voltage.
The start-up, repair, and maintenance of the installations are entrusted
to perfectly qualified personnel, whether or not they belong to the
The installations must be protected in such a way that no other person
can have access to them or be allowed to work on them or carry out
The workers that their function calls to use an electrical installation or
to work in its vicinity must be fully informed by all the means of the
rules of safety to be observed in particular by colors, notices, signs,
labels, emblems, etc…
They must also have the appropriate safety equipment to carry out
their tasks.
The establishments referred to in this chapter must have the following;
(a) first-aid attendants capable of giving first aid in case of accidents;
b) appropriate equipment for the first aid and transport of accident