A contract can only be considered validly concluded if the recipient of the offer has first had the opportunity to check the details of his order and its total price, and to correct any errors before confirming it to express their acceptance.
The offeror must acknowledge receipt of the order sent to him online order within a period not exceeding five (5) days.
The order, the confirmation of acceptance of the offer and the acknowledgement of receipt are considered received when the parties to whom they are addressed can access them.
The above Paragraphs do not apply to contracts concluded exclusively by means of an exchange of electronic mail or equivalent individual communications. It is also possible to derogate from the provisions of the said paragraphs in agreements between professionals.
Where a written document is required for the validity of a legal act, it may be drawn up and stored in electronic form under the conditions set out in articles 1317 et seq. of the Civil Code, relating to literal proof.
Where a statement in the handwriting of the person obliging himself is required, the latter may affix it in electronic form if the conditions for such affixing are such as to ensure that it can only be done by himself, with the exception of the provisions of the paragraph above:
– Private documents relating to family and inheritance law;
– Private documents relating to personal or real sureties of a civil or commercial nature, unless they are signed by a person for the needs of his profession.
Where the contract is concluded electronically and relates to an amount equal to or greater than an amount set by regulation, the professional contracting party shall keep the written record of the contract for a period of time also determined by regulation and guarantees access to it at all times to the other party at any time the latter so requests.