In accordance with Regulation No. COBAC R-2016/02 relative to the changes in the status of credit institutions, the application for prior authorization for the acquisition or sale of shareholdings which does not result in a change in the power of control of the applicant credit institution must also include information;
- The notarized articles of association of the company,
- Annual financial statements certified by the statutory auditors, including balance sheets and income statements for the last three financial years,
- The shareholding structure and, where applicable, that of the parent company, the banking group or the financial holding company to which the acquirer belongs, detailing for each shareholder the number of shares held, the corresponding fraction of the capital and the equivalence in terms of voting rights,
- A statement of shareholdings in other credit institutions with registered offices inside or outside the CEMAC region,
- The minutes of the competent decision-making body approving the operation,
- A copy of the subscription form for the shares of the credit institution or of the deed of transfer,
- A declaration on honour by which the purchaser indicates the origin of the funds to be invested and certifies that these do not come from illegal activities etc.