Ship registration in Cameroon is governed by The CEMAC Merchant Shipping Community Code of 3rd august 2001 as amended on 22nd August 2012. The registration process entails the provision of certain requirements, in view of accomplishing a successful procedure and obtaining a registration number in Cameroon.

Ship registration in Cameroon in accordance with the CEMAC Code constitutes the aspects of Individualization/Personality of a vessel and the title of nationality given to a vessel. The elements which constitute the Individualization/personality of a ship are as follows;

  • The name of the ship
  • The port of registry
  • Nationality
  • Tonnage
  • Registration number
  • In default, the identification number of the International Maritime Organization.

However, the elements that constitute the personality of a ship are quite different from the regime of ship registration in Cameroon.  


The process of registration in Cameroon entail the fulfillment of certain requirements to fly the Cameroon flag. Hence attributing to the ship, the nationality of Cameroon and therefore benefiting from the privileges and obligations which accompany the Cameroon nationality as regards Cameroon territorial waters. Certain requirements must be fulfilled before engaging in a process.


The CEMAC Code has provided for certain preconditions prior to the registration of a ship in Cameroon. These preconditions are based on the nature of the applicants/ownership of the vessel. The various applicants/owners of vessels recognized by the code in view of registering a ship in Cameroon are as follows;

  • Physical person(s)
  • Company
  • A Partnership
  • A venture capital company.

Each of these categories of applicants/owners of vessels have preconditions which are distinct in nature. Their preconditions must be accomplished before they can engage in a successful registration process in Cameroon.


The ship registration process in Cameroon entails submitting to the competent maritime authority certain documents for assessment to wit;

  1. Certificate of Nationality of the vessel
  2. Tonnage certificate
  3. Matriculation certificate
  4. Documents with regards to;
  5. year of construction of the vessel
  6. type of vessel
  7. holding capacity of the vessel
  8. the dimension of the vessel
  9. accommodation of the vessel
  10. the freezing capacity of the vessel etc.

When you submit these documents to the competent attorney, the maritime authority will engage due diligence on the documents. The maritime authority will designate an expert to survey the vessel if satisfied with the documents presented. The expert report will determine if the registration will be successful or not.

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