A trader per the OHADA Law is a person whose regular occupation is to carryout commercial transactions. Commercial transactions in this sense include; purchase of movable or immovable property for resale, banking, stock exchange, currency exchange, brokerage and transit transactions, contracts between traders for business purposes, the industrial exploitation of mines, quarries and any natural resource deposit, rental of personal property, manufacturing, transportation and telecommunication operations, middlemen’s business transactions such as commission, brokerage and agency as well as middleman’s operations relating to the purchase, underwriting, sale etc. The OHADA Law regulates the status of a trader and capacity to trade in Cameroon.

No person shall engage in trading as a regular occupation unless he has the legal capacity to trade and he does not have an incompatible status.

A minor shall not have the status of trader or engage in trading unless he is emancipated.

A spouse of a trader shall not have the status of trader unless he or she carries out the transactions of a trader as a regular occupation and separately from those of his or her spouse.

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